Darius Dauda Angwa

Darius Dauda Angwa is a Nigerian independent scholar and philosopher who also goes by the alias, DD Angwa. His research focuses on the intersection of French Theory, African Philosophy and Postcolonial Studies in Africa. Angwa’s publications include: “What is African Philosophy? Let’s Talk about an Unpopular, Most Times Misunderstood Idea” (2024), “Locating Ourselves after Colonialism: A Postcolonial and Decolonial Discourse for 21st Century Africa” (2024), “Wole Soyinka and the Meaning of the Human: On Upholding Human Dignity in Wole Soyinka’s Climate of Fear: The Quest for Dignity in a Dehumanized World” (forthcoming [2024]). His work is particularly concerned with how Western Epistemologies continue to shape the post colonies. For Angwa, this reality continues to give the world its shape.